Welcome to the MK Netters & MK Dons Netball Clubs
Welcome to the MK Netters & MK Dons Netball Clubs
Signed in as:
We are looking for people who are interested in coaching at Regional or Club level. If you already hold a level 1 or 2, come speak to us and see if our club is for you. Remuneration & Kit provided see poster for more information. We operate and open door policy and are happy for any coaches to attended our sessions, all we ask is that prior arrangements are made.
If you are interested in becoming a level 1 or 2 coach we can offer a mentoring program.
Our Current Coaching Staff
1 Level 1 & 2 Assessor
1 Level 1 & 2 Tutor
3 Level 3's,
10 level 2's
3 level 1's
Coaching across the Club & Regional.
Please get in touch outlining any experiences/coaching level you have via the contact button at the bottom of this page
As the club grows year on year, it is clear that we need to expand the size of the committee and the volunteer base. We are therefore asking for parents/carers/grandparents and older members of the club to consider whether they have the time to take on roles that would help the club, and ensure that our core commitment can drive the strategic direction of the club, and the coaches can get back to doing what they do best, coach!
We have a number of roles available, all with differing skill sets and time commitments.
Some roles require nothing more than enthusiasm.
Some roles require some time at the start of a season but then you can put your feet up till next season.
Some roles require a small weekly commitment.
Some roles require a bigger commitment.
Maybe you have skills that we don't even know we need!
Maybe you know you'd like to help, but don't know how or what you could do.
Whatever your circumstances, please get in touch with us at admin@mknetters.co.uk, or via the contact button at the bottom of this page, or speak to your Team Manager.
Full role descriptions will be circulated shortly but to give you a flavour, the new roles include things like fundraising, kit management, media, registrations lead, competitions lead, facilities lead, venue liason, governance, admin, the list is endless. And the more volunteers we have, the more the work can be spread around so no one takes on more than they can manage. You don't even need to know how to play netball, just a desire to help your child's club be the best it can.
The Hazeley Academy, Emperor Dr., Hazeley, Milton Keynes, England MK8 0PB, United Kingdom